The Weekly Menu: June 29 – July 5

The Weekly Menu - Beach

Hello friends, Happy sunday!

I hope your summer is in full swing and you are enjoying all the sun and fun!  I know we are! It’s always a balancing act, making time for both work and play while the kids are out of school, but I think we are doing a pretty good job so far!  What about you?  Are you striking a good balance between work and pleasure this summer? If so, tell us about it in the comments or if not,  then please tell us about it!  Share your wisdom in the comments below!

Speaking of wisdom and awesomeness, Tuesday is Day 30 of the Joyful Warrior 30day Challenge and we are ending with a bang with a global Dance party! Let’s celebrate our accomplishment with a party! So post a picture of yourself groove’n like this on June 30! I can’t wait!  Check out the Joyful Warrior Facebook group and join the tribe, its never too late!

Finally, I want to take a second to say how proud I am to be an American this week! In this week, the week that we celebrate our nation’s independence, our nation took a huge leap towards, equality, human rights, and love with the Supreme Court making Same-Sex Marriage a Right For All! Love is love, is love, is love, is love and nothing changes that! #lovewins  This is not a political statement or about choosing sides, this is about loving and respecting all the people we have the honor to share this earth with.  My life’s and work’s mission is to promote love,  compassion, peace,  understanding, kindness, joy, stength and beauty…simply that is all.

Quote of the Week: Darkness can not drive out Darkness; only light can do that.  Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.” Martin Luther King Jr.


Monday: Chicken Tortilla Soup with a side salad – easy to throw ingridents in the crockpot for an easy meal when we get home!

Tuesday: Strawberry Quinoa Salad  and if I am feeling up to it, I may make some Simply Baked chicken on the side for my carnivore husband 🙂

Wednesday: Classic Meatloaf with baked sweet potatoes and Roasted Broccoli and Cauliflower

Thursday: Shrimp Scampi with Steamed Peas and Spinach Salad

Friday: BBQ Chicken Tacos by Modern Mama with diced avocado and baby carrots to munch on (It’s friday and I am slimming down my cooking )

Saturday: Happy 4th of July Everyone!  We are hanging out with friends and here is my contribution! Balsamic Steak Kabobs by Healthy Aperture, Lavender Lemonade and Peaches and Cream Tart.  I hope you have an amazing holiday everyone!

Sunday: Baked Fish with Salt and Vinegar Smashed Potatoes with steamed peas and carrots


Create a beautifully amazing Week My friends!

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