Using Your Superpowers!

Shine from where you naturally SParkle

On this Facebook Live session of Ladies Who Lunch (soon to be conversation starter) I am talking all about our SuperPowers!

Superpowers aren’t just for X-Men!  We all have our very own super powers.  These are our special amazing a mix of unique gifts and talents that we were born with to help us maximize our potential in this  world.

But we often forget about these superpowers on our quest for happiness, where we only focus on what we are not awesome at.   And this is ok, I think it’s productive to continually try to improve in the areas where we struggle, but we are missing a HUGE opportunity is we don’t focus just as much,  if not more on our strengths.

In fact, the benefits we get from maximizing our gifts often outweigh the benefits we get from minimizing our short comings.

So identify your superpowers and lead with those! When you improve and maximize those gifts,  your challenges won’t matter as much.

Your world becomes what you focus on, so focus your attention in the right way!

During the facebook Live event, a few people asked how you can identify your strengths. So I created a few questions to help you discover them. Answer these questions.  Write down everything that comes to mind, I mean everything!    The gold is found in those areas that you don’t think are important, in the things that “everyone is good at” because the truth is , not everyone is good at that! That is part of your superpower formula!

  • What do you love to do? (write it all down, no not everyone loves talking to strangers at the super market/organizing socks by colors…ect/dance in your kitchen/hanging out with friends).
    • Why do you love to do these things?
  • What do people compliment you on?
  • When you were a child, what did you dream of doing/being?
    • Why?
  • What could you talk about for hours?
  • What do you wish you had more time for?

When you write these things down, you will start seeing trends in these gifts.  Are you a people person? Creative? Nurturer? Leader? Organizer? Motivator? Are you really enthusiastic?

These are all gifts that we have, that can and should be maximized to benefit ourselves and the world.

Here is an example from my own life…I love bringing people together and dreamed of being a part of a group of like minded women who are committed to being positive and encouraging each other’s greatness.  But I am not organizing and planning.  And if I spent all my time focusing on being more organized and managing my time better, then I never would have started the Vibrant Warrior group!

Oh and I forgot to mention, when we focus on maximizing what we like to do, we have more fun and enjoy our life so much more.

And finally, when we focus on where we are naturally sparkly and  we stop trying to be good at everything, then we give other people the opportunity to shine where they are naturally sparkly too.  See, win/win! ????

Your turn! I want to hear from you.  How are you going to discover your strengths and how will you start using and maximizing them? Don’t take too long, the world is waiting! 

Sparkle my friends,


P.S.  If you want to know more win/winning  and maximizing your strengths, then you gotta check out the Empowered Warrior Academy…because this (and so much more!) is what it’s all about…maximizing and elevating your life in a BIG way!   Next session starts in September of 2016…you gotta get in, space is limited to 15 women each session! Always feel free to contact me to for more information about the Academy or Private coaching

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