Weekly Menu: August 3 – 9

The Weekly Menu

Monday: Salisbury Steak Mini-Style with Roasted Broccoli

Tuesday: Turkey Fajitas with Spinach, avocado and tomato salad

Wednesday: Strawberry and Quinoa Salad with Lemon Vinaigrette

Thursday: Chicken Tortilla Soup – in the Crockpot with Side salad

Friday: Breakfast for Dinner, my Fav Friday night meal!!  I found these amazing Almond Flour Crepes from Immaeatthat.com, the chocolate peanut-butter filling is a little much dinner, but OMG, don’t they look good! We will have eggs, turkey bacon, and cantaloupe too

Saturday: Roasted Red Pepper Turkey Burgers with Watermelon Cucumber Salad from Nutritious Eats

Sunday: Chicken and Broccoli Twice Baked Potatoes with a Spinach Salad


In case you missed it…

Stop Feeling Like an Imposter!

Do you ever feel like an imposter

Salisbury Steak, Mini- Style

Salisbury Steak, Mini-style
Salisbury Steak, Mini-style


What you tell yourself everyday

Claim your power, remind yourself of your own awesomeness every day!  You are worth it, you are enough, and you have the power to change the world one kindness at a time.


Create a Beautiful Week!

Signature 1

P.S. I can help you create your fullest, most beautiful life!  Call or email me (sally@twellmannutrition.com) today to schedule a Discovery Session! You are worth it!  I can’t wait to hear from you!


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