Welcome 2015! Create Your Best Year!

Welcom 2015

Can I tell you how much I love this time of year?!  The New Year is a time when people start thinking about change and forward movement.  They want a better self and a better life, and that is a beautiful thing!  When I was preparing to write this article, I had so many great ideas, thoughts and topics I wanted to discuss.  Then I spent the best part of 3 days writing and rewriting, scrapping and second guessing…it was just not flowing, it didn’t feel authentic and genuine.  Don’t get me wrong, I truly believe and resonate with everything I was writing, it was just not working or flying..it was landing with a plop.  So I meditated on it, stepped away for a workout and then scrapped everything I had written. This is the result: a list of the most important points and concepts I want to personally focus on for this coming year.   When I was trying to force it, I was stuck, but when I went with my gut and followed my intuition I was able to write this in less than 3 hours.  Now I know it is not a masterpiece and isn’t anything mind-blowing, but it is real and authentic  and important to me, so I hope it will be important to you too!  I hope you Enjoy my musings 🙂

15 Ways to Create an Amazing 2015

1) Be Grateful Daily

Gratitude is a powerful thing! According to the The Greater Good Science Center in Berkeley California “People who regularly practice gratitude by taking time to notice and reflect upon the things they’re thankful for experience more positive emotions, feel more alive, sleep better, express more compassion and kindness, and even have stronger immune systems.” That sounds good, I want that.

2) Eat Wholesome Nourishing Food

Use food to nourish and sustain your body. Focus on getting lots of whole, natural foods, especially fruits and vegetables, to give your body to nutrients it needs to run optimally.

3) Move your body.

Engage in some sort of movement everyday. It can be an intense workout or as simple as 5 walk around the block. All movement matters and the point is to do something everyday to invest in your strength and wellbeing.

4) Meditate or Take time to Relax Daily

Spend at least 5-10 minutes with a quiet mind everyday. We spend so much time filling our brain space up with other people’s thoughts, passions, and ideas (think music, TV, social media) that we can’t see our own creativity and potential. Quiet the static in your mind to let your passion and potential bubble to the surface.

5) Nourish What is Working

We spend a lot of time working on what is broken in this life and neglect what is working well. When it’s put like that, sounds crazy right? The Things that come easy and bring us joy are typically things that follow our values and will often lead us to our happiness path. Water those seeds so they will grow.

6) Get Real about the Things that aren’t working

Is something really bringing you down or causing you stress and frustration? Your job, where you live, some person in your life, an chemical or food addiction? You always have a better option than living a life that is less than satisfying. Ask yourself why you are accepting less than awesome? If you let fear steer your car, your destination will always be regret.

7) Be Present

One day when I was at the park with my daughter and while I was “playing” with her, I checked my phone a few times for emails or facebook likes…etc and my 2-year old said to me “mommy put your phone away” Yikes. Now how productive was I being with work and how much did I take away from my time with my daughter.  All people want from you is your attention and time, so give it to them.

8) Be more Intentional with you Free time

Maybe this year will be the year I learn how to play the guitar? Trolling social media sites and the internet can be a huge time waster and creativity stealer. There are things I love doing and new skills I want to learn, but I “just don’t have the time”. I am sure if I took the time I waste trolling the-world-wide-web I would have an additional 5-8 hours per week to use on the things I enjoy and will help my grow as a human being.

9) Set goals and prepare a Strategies to make them happen

It is not enough to say you want to lose 20lbs, you must have a day to day realistic strategy to make this goal happen. You can do anything you set your mind to, a good strategy turns goals into reality.

10) Go on More Adventures

Because they are fun and creating memories is time well spent. See also #8

11) Congratulate Yourself on Small Successes

We have a million small successes in a day…why do we focus on the things that didn’t go as well as you would have hoped? When someone notices you have done something well, you are more likely to repeat the behavior…even if you are the one who noticed.

12) Affect Others Profoundly

Maya Angelou said “People will forget what you said, they will forget what you did, but they will not forget how you made them feel” Kindness is one of the greatest gifts we can give another. Every interaction is an opportunity to make the world a better place.

13) Go with Your Gut

Trust your intuition it will lead you where you need to be and away from places you don’t.  And it just feels good.

14) Put Your Needs First

Remember that there is a difference between being selfish and acting in your own self interest. You must fill your cup before you can share it with anyone else.

15) Choose Happiness

Happiness is definitely a choice you make every second of everyday. See also #1.


2015 will be amazing and I can’t see what gifts it will bring.  These are some ideals that will allow me to create a magical year.

How will you create your best year ever?  In the comments below tell you how you will create your amazing year…let’s add to this list!



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