Wildly Exciting Goals

Happy Tuesday!  I hope you are feelin’ good and lovin’ life right now. ☀️

This weekend was super fun, for the past 5 years, I have been doing a super sprint triathlon called The Spa Girl Tri. It’s a really fun and laid back race, that I do with my girlfriends, then we hang out at the resort floating the lazy river and drinking some beverages. ❤️ ?  It’s just super awesome! And this year was even more super awesome because we celebrated my BFF Sara’s 40th birthday!

I love doing this mini-sprint distance because it doesn’t take a lot of specialized training time on my part, which has been good for this working mom with 3 small kiddos…but the race this weekend definitely lite the triathlon fire?  in me  (I used to do triathlons before I had kids).  So I am going to start training for a Tri in May.  I’m pretty stocked, it’s going to be good to have a training goal.

What about you? Does doing a triathlon, marathon or 5K sound intriguing to you?  Do you have a new fitness or training goal?  Or do you want to have a new goal?  but just not sure where to start?  I get it! Training for something big like a triathlon or even 5K can feel overwhelming and it’s easy to talk ourselves out of even getting started because we think we can’t-do it.   But before you talk yourself out of it, I want you to do something for me…I want you to pretend for a second that you can do it.  What would it feel like to do something big like a race? And then Picture yourself training and then doing the race? How proud would you be after you are done?

I bet you would feel pretty great.  Well, your body would feel tired and spent, but I bet your heart would be full.  Full of pride and excitement and marveling about what you did.

Wouldn’t that be awesome?  Ok, before you lose your nerve, reply to this email and tell me what your Wildly Exciting Goal would be!  Even better, go over to the Vibrant Warrior Group and declare your new goal! (This is going to be exciting!)

I can’t wait to support you in reaching the new goal!

Lot’s of Love,

P.S.  If you want some extra support set up a free Mini-Coaching call to discuss your new Wildly Exciting Goal! I want to help you make it happen!

P.P.S. Pssst, I am opening my Life and Wellbeing strategy sessions up again for enrollment…so if you have been wanting to create some simple but effective strategy in your life, but don’t want to commit to a full coaching package, this would be perfect for you!

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