30 days of Yoga Challenge – 2018

A few years ago, I did something that changed my life.

In January of 2015, I did my very 1st 30days of yoga, and it was gently subtly life-changing in the best possible way. It’s hard to explain, but it’s like hollowed out some stale energy in my emotional body and fertilized my inner environment so I could plant new seeds and grow even more beautiful gardens.

Like I said, it changed me.

In 2015, I did my 30days for myself and documented my journey and to my surprise, others joined in and started their own 30 Days of Yoga. #ripplesinthewater so in 2016, I did it again and asked people to join me and they did and it was so rewarding to share the experience with women from all around the world!

And so it’s been a bit of an overwhelming couple of weeks and I am some serious need of regrouping, hollowing out and revitalizing my internal environment, so I am doing 30 Days of Yoga again, starting on January 1st.  I am excited to bring calm, peace, opening, and strength to my body and my life every day!   I can’t think of a better way to start the new year!

Wanna join me?

It really doesn’t take much, just a commitment to at least 10 minutes of yoga every day starting January 1 and going until January 30, post a picture every day on Instagram and /or Facebook and tag me and add the hashtags #30daysofyoga and #vibrantwarriors.  This is super informal, so it’s not much more complicated than that!

And if you want to, sign up to be on my special 30 days of Yoga email list, so I can check in and share some special stuff w with you during the 30 days.

Sign up The 30 Days of Yoga Challenge

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Awesome, see you January 1… I will meet you in mountain pose!



P.S. Speaking of 30days of feeling Awesome, I am holding another session of the 30 Day Reset starting on January 19th, this is the perfect way to Reset your diet and your body the over indulging of the Holiday Season! Get on the Interest list HERE. 

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