You are Enough.

You are Enough

You are enough.

I love this phrase. It’s so simple, yet so profound.  You are enough, and you don’t have to do, be, achieve anything else to do, be and achieve all of your possibilities.

And when I was able to internalize and know this idea of being enough, just as I am, right now, my life changed forever. And then I forget, and have to be reminded again.

But when I live in a place of enoughness, I feel at peace.  And I feel a profound freedom.

And that searching and gnawing feeling, of “If only I____then I would be happy ”  begins to dissipate slowly. I was able to find my path.  And that path led me to you. 🙂

When I was fully able to embrace WHO I was, and all my unique gifts and strengths was I able to have the freedom to use them.

“Be yourself, everyone else is taken”

– Oscar Wilde

How do we do this?  This “being ourselves” in a world that tells us that we should be the same as everyone else?  How can we move away from a place where we live in fearful reaction, into a place where we find that we have nothing to prove, and gain a new sense of balance and peace?

Simply put,   Know Thyself

“See” yourself for who you are. See yourself as a who person who is whole and broken, dreamy and awake, perfect and imperfect all at the same time.  Start looking for your true-self, the self who is beautiful and worthy all the time.

How do we do this?  Here is what I think…

  •  See Thyself.
    • Start with just being with yourself.  You must take the time to quiet the frenzy of external thoughts and ideas in your mind (TV, Movies, music, shoulds, ifs, have-tos) even for a little while. This will allow you to discover your own thoughts,  ideas and gifts and see how awesome they are you really are! And once you can see your gifts, you can start using them. This then will guide you to your own path of happiness, contentment, and joy.
  •  Embrace Thyself
    •  Embrace the who you have discovered.  Know that you are awesome, and you are exactly “who” you should be.  Now, this doesn’t mean there aren’t things, actions, ideas and thoughts in your life that shouldn’t be changed or altered. Because it is possible that these “things”, were brought about because of some unmet needs or negative influences in your life, and are not part of your true self.   When you embrace and love yourself exactly as are, then you can start to address the “things” in your life that aren’t serving you.  But before you begin, ask yourself “Why? Why do I want to change this?” Hint: Normally your first response to this why-question isn’t really the true why. For example, one answer I hear often, is to the question “Why do you want to lose weight?”  The answer I normally get is ” Because I want to look better/thinner/fit into my  older smaller clothes. But I would venture that this desire to lose weight , is more seeded in your sense of self-value rather than a desire to look different.
  • Share Thyself.
    • Once you are on this journey of self-discovery and know your own awesomeness, share it!  You are doing the world a huge disservice by not sharing your gifts. It is my opinion that the only reason we have been given our own unique gifts is to share them with those around us, to make this world a better place.  This can be scary and can make you feel vulnerable,  but the I promise result will astound you.  So toss yourself into that pond and see all the ripples you create!
  • Remind Thyself.
    • This self-discovery and affirmation is a process,  and will not happen overnight.  And when you think you have it down, your resolve will falter and you may doubt yourself again.  I have dedicated my life and passion to this mission of personal love and empowerment, and even now I have to constantly remind myself that I am enough,  and awesome just as I am.   Maybe someday  I will  need less reminding, but I think we will always need self-affirmation and remind ourselves of our worthiness. But I think even this is good because it keeps us grounded in humility.

“Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it is thinking of yourself less.”

– C.S Lewis

  •  Love Thyself.
    • Love yourself just as you are. Right now. Always.  You are exactly the perfect piece that fits into the puzzle that makes up the universe. If you were to change or strive to be  different, then the puzzle wouldn’t work and can’t be complete and the pieces that are supposed to attach to you won’t fit into the cosmic either. The world needs you. It needs exactly your mix of “stuff” to work, flow, grow and heal.

So be You. Just You, as you are, because  You Are Enough


Lots of Love,

Signature 1


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