You gotta listen to this PodCast!

Must Listen

I had a different post planned for today (sorry Oktoberfest!), but I had to move that to a different day because I wanted to share this awesome podcast with you!

So this morning, I was looking for a good and new Podcast to listen to during my oh-so mental and physically challenging around-the-Cul-de-sac run.  I like listening to Entrepreneural type podcasts during these runs because they distract me from the sometime brain melting boredom of running around in a circle 30 times straight.

Well, last night, I went to bed thinking and praying about a particular situation with one of my children that has been on my mind lately. Being a mother and raising happy, kind, generous and joyful children is a very important thing to me and so when “things” come up, as “things” tend to do, it’s hard to find peace around them.

So I pray and put my intentions and concerns out into the universe.  In the book A Course in Miracles  says, (and I am paraphrasing here) “the purpose of prayer is not to cause something to change, but to bring about a change in your perception and understanding of that something or situation.”  

Anyway, because the universe is awesome and is always working in our favor, through a few twists and turns I stumbled upon this Podcast with one of my heroes Brene Brown.  And although, this is all stuff I heard before, it resonated with me today.  The stuff about parenting, resilience, being gentle with ourselves and teaching hope to our children, were particularly potent and gave me some peace and action steps in my own life.

By the way, in you haven’t heard of Brene Brown, you should totally get hip to her awesomeness.   I think Brene’ Browns work is a must for all parents out there, and this is a must listen for a quick introduction to her brilliant and insightful research (wisdom).  I have more about her in a post about vulnerability and worthiness

So Thank you Universe for showing up with exactly what I needed to hear, exactly when I needed to hear it.

Here is the How She Really Does It PodCast:  Brene Brown’s Letting Go of Perfection and Loving Yourself

If you listen to it, please share you thoughts in the comments below! I would love to have more discussion about this!


Happy Listening,

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