25 Unconventional Ways to Practice Self-Care

1. Say “ I Love You” to yourself every morning in the mirror.

You don’t have to believe it at first, but just start and you will find the simple beautiful statement of “I love you” will resonate more and more every day. How will you treat yourself when you start to believe it?

2. Stop Rushing.

Rushing makes us feel overwhelmed and flustered. So even when you are running late, calm down and allow yourself to arrive. You may find that you aren’t as late as you think. Another wonderful practice is saying the mantra ” I have enough time”  (this is something I use) over and over when you feel like rushing. It makes you feel more peaceful and I swear it actually creates more time in your life. And if you still feel rushed, overwhelmed and out of time, maybe it’s time to look at your schedule… maybe you are over-scheduled and you need to take some things off your plate (yes, there is something you can remove from your schedule, and no, it shouldn’t be your workout. #givingyouthesideeye)

3. Dim the lights and chill.

Create at least 30 minutes of dark and stillness before you go to bed. Turn off the TV, put down your phone, and chill. Good sleep is so important!  Psst… what you consume (watch, read, listen to) right before you go to sleep gets integrated into your dreams and your subconscious mind… so do yourself a favor and lay off the CSI: Special Victims Unit and the news before you go to bed, especially if you struggle with anxiety. Your subconscious mind will chew on that fear candy all night… and you will wonder why you wake up feeling worried every morning.

4. Get Grounded.

Take your shoes off and feel the ground beneath your toes! It feels so good to connect with Gaia. #mommanature

5. Talk to strangers.

Forget what momma said, talk to people around you.  Say hello to the person in front of you at the grocery store, strike up a conversation with the woman next to you at school pick up, ask the cashier about her day and her job. We thrive with connection, so connect as often as possible.

6. Take off your sunglasses.

Allow the sunshine to shine into your eyes and hit your retinas. It will give you an instant boost of serotonin and can even help you sleep better at night.

7. Invest in some soft, lovely sheets.

Getting a good night’s sleep is well worth the investment.  A little pampering goes a long way. (Oh, and make your bed every morning… it feels so good to look at a made bed and it feels even better to crawl into a fresh bed after a long day!)

8. Laugh.

Every. Single. Day. Read a funny blog,  like this one or read a funny book, like this one, or watch a funny show, like this one… anything just find something to laugh at every day.

9. Cry.

That’s it, just let it out. Holding in emotions is the best way to begin (or keep) feeling like doo doo. Crying, bellowing, yelling, hollering, and screaming are great ways to move through emotions to help you get to the other side. (One thing… don’t do your yelling and screaming at anyone. That will not help you move through the pain, it will only dig your hole deeper… and create a new hole for someone else.)

10. Read something daily.

Maybe it’s only 10 minutes or two pages, but allow yourself space and time to get calm enough to read and be inspired every day. You get extra self-care points for reading an actual book; there is just something soothing about having a real book in your hands. Here are a couple of book suggestions: White Hot Truth, by Danielle LaPorte, Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult,  Harry Potter – Any of them! (We are just about to start reading this again, so it was top of mind!)

11. Be still and go within.

Meditate, journal, pray…anything, just take some time to go within and find stillness. Do this daily, and it will change your life… promise.

12. Paint your nails.

You can go get your nails done, or do them yourself. Even if it’s just two minutes with the nail file and one coat of clear nail polish, taking time to care for yourself make you feel… well, it just makes you feel cared for! And feeling cared for and cherished is what we are going for!

13. Get dressed every day.

You don’t have to get dressed to the nines, just take a little time to knock the dust off and spiff yourself up. Feeling good about the way you look isn’t narcissistic; it’s nourishing.  Feeling beautiful nourishes the soul.

14. Dance.

Dance around your kitchen, in the car, in your bedroom, or wherever you are, dancing is primal. Allow your primal goddess (or god) to emerge.

15. Be creative.

Yes, yes, yes, even you are creative! Everyone is creative and creating feels good, so paint something, draw something, color in a coloring book, fold origami. Anything, just let those creative juices flow!

16. Sit up straight.

The way we hold our body affects the way we feel, so assume a posture of confidence and badassery…and you will feel more like a confident badass. #promise

17. Phone a friend.

Just to chat and ask how they are. Small talk and chatting is definitely a lost and underappreciated soul activity.

18. Write a thank you note.

Gratitude in the seed of all joy so sew your joy seeds often. It doesn’t have to be a thank you for anything in particular. It can simply be a “thank you for being awesome!” And can imagine how fun it will be getting that love note!

19. Make a vision board.

Dreaming is fun and it reminds us of the possibilities… heck it creates possibilities! Here is my vision board for 2017. I am working on 2018 now! Need some help visioning and dreaming for 2018? I love these planners from Danielle LaPorte so much, I get one every year!

20. Take a nap.

If you are tired take a nap. This doesn’t make you lazy, this makes you loving. (I wrote this one as a reminder to myself!)

21. Go for a walk.

Simple, but powerful.

22. Listen to music.

There is nothing like a good beat to light your soul on fire.

 23. Sing.

Go ahead, channel your inner Adele and bring it! It will feel so good!

24. Leave your phone at home.

Nope I’m not talkin’ crazy and it will probably feel weird, but try it! It will force you to be where you are and present. And nothing brings serendipity into your life like presence.

25. Breathe.

Sounds simple, but we sometimes forget, especially when we are stressed or overwhelmed, but the simple act of taking deep breaths changes your brain waves and your blood chemistry. It’s science, baby!

Self care is simply the act of caring for yourself. And now I want to hear from you…How do you care for, love and cherish yourself regularly?

With love,


P.S. Do you need support creating your blissful, doable, self-care plan or any other plan your soul is calling to you to create? I am here to support you! Between now and the beginning of 2018 I will be offering my Soul and Strategy Sessions, which are 90 min, get down to business (soul business) sessions for creating a practical, doable plan to create and be your highest self. Find out more at the Soul and Strategy Session page. I can’t wait to work with you!

This article contains some affiliate links to things I already use and love, by clicking on them I do receive a commission. Thank you for supporting my mission and journey. ?

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