37 things I have learned in 37 years

Tuesday was my birthday, I turned 37, which seems old and not old at the same time (weird!). I think I have learned a lot in my 37 years on this earth, and even though I know I still have a lot to learn, these are 37 things I know to be true so far.

I write this knowing full well, that hopefully, my future self will look back on this post and say, “Oh geez, I can’t believe I wrote that!” ???? But I am cool with that, because that is the way progress and evolution works, you have ideas that transform as you transform…it’s a beautiful thing.  Ihope you like my list and

I hope you like my list, and I’m curious, what would be on your list? Comment below or over on Facebook.

 37 things I have learned in 37 years

  1. Practice being brave – it gets easier each time 
  2. Eat nourishing food, especially lots of fruits and vegetables, your body will feel good.  ????
  3. Eating Cheetos may taste good but makes your tummy hurt
  4. More than 2 glasses of wine and I will hate myself in the morning. ????
  5. Things always seem scarier at night. Go to sleep and you will see the silver lining in the morning ⛅️
  6. Time spent Dancing is always time well spent! #dancingrocks
  7. Taking time to meditate???? in the morning sets me up for a better day 
  8. Making my kids lunches the night before, makes for a less stressful morning. 
  9. Dogs are awesome ????
  10. Speak your mind, in a kind and tactful way.  Regardless of how the other person responds, expressing your views and ideas makes you stronger #empowerment, plus see #1
  11. Singing lights up the soul ????
  12. Cilantro and lime are good on anything
  13. So is hot sauce 
  14. Life is constantly changing, sometimes in ways you like and sometimes in ways you don’t, but always changing. 
  15. Feeling sad is normal. Don’t run from it, feel it and move through it.  Just don’t pitch your tent in darkness permanently.
  16. Running feels good and doesn’t feel good at the same time. 
  17. Stretching is always worth the time. 
  18. Taking risks (in business, or personal life) is scary but is the only way to make great things to happen in your life
  19. Saying NO to what doesn’t feel right, really does open you up to opportunities that do.
  20. Nature Rocks ????
  21. Taking time for yourself isn’t selfish, it’s vital to being your best.
  22. Being your best doesn’t mean being pretty, sometimes it’s the unprettiest thing you will do
  23. If something doesn’t feel right, it’s probably not – let your intuition be your guide 
  24. Hearing your intuition takes practice, but it’s important, so practice often
  25. Be inspired everyday – seek it out 
  26. Red nail polish always makes me feel fiery ????
  27. Compassion is the most powerful force on the earth because it always you to calm anger and fear, which are the most destructive forces on earth 
  28. I have compassion for people who don’t like avocados, because they are so delicious
  29. Sometimes you have to plan and be aware of what can go wrong, just don’t dwell on it.
  30. Martin Luther King is my hero
  31. So is Mother Teresa
  32. And Jesus is my favorite feminist 
  33. It Is good to get angry sometimes, and when used as fuel for goodness, it is an amazing catalyst for change. ⚡️
  34. Your body is your portal to your soul, so take care of it! 
  35. Pain is best teacher. She is tough, but she helps you grow. 
  36. Using my voice to speak what’s in my mind and my heart is the scariest and best thing I have ever done.
  37. Love wins, always. Love for myself and love for others. ❤

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