Clear your Body, Clear your Mind.

What does it mean to be healthy? When we think of health, we mainly think of health in our bodies. But we can have a “healthy” and fit body but be heart sick, and as all of us know, this definitely makes us “feel” unwell and over time actually changing the cells in our body.  Wellness and well-being exist in both our physical body and in our emotional/mental body, and they need equal attention and care to be feeling good. (Healthy and Happy)

Even if the symptoms are physical in nature (back pain, overweight, stomach upset..etc), there is often an emotional component that needs to be addressed in addition to managing the physical discomfort. This means to feel whole and well, you need to focus on both your mind and your body to feel your best. This however can be surprisingly hard to do, especially if you are not used to thinking of your mind and body as being one. However, your mind and body are one interconnected system, and so healing must be approached this way. In this article, we are going to look at how clearing and healing your body has immediate and profound benefits for your mind as well and vice-versa.

Reading your bodies signals.

What is your body trying to tell you? Because your physical body and emotional body are interconnected, a disturbance of one can manifest as pain and discomfort in the other, so if we want true lasting well-being, we must treat them as a whole. I have talked a lot about the possible emotional heaviness that can manifest in physical heaviness.  But let’s look at something like recurring sinus infections.  This condition seems purely physical in nature, a result of allergies and colds, right? Well, research shows a link between depression and chronic sinus problems; in this study they focus on depression resulting from chronic sinus problems, but with the connection between of depression and chronic sinus infection so well documented, like research HERE and HERE, maybe we are looking at it backward? Could emotional disturbance, like anger, sadness, feeling unappreciated, and you are not getting your emotional needs met, (all things that cause depression) that are present first, could this emotional pain, be the real cause of the chronic physical problem?

Could the chronic emotional pain, Manifest in chronic blockage and inflammation in your sinus area, over time cause chronic infections? The sinus area is also the 3rd eye chakra and the intuition center of the body, and if you “know” something isn’t right in your life, but it goes unaddressed, that emotion stored or blocks that place in our body. It has long been understood, that our emotional state directly affects our physical wellbeing, but it is only recently being studied for better scientific understanding.

So what now? How do you begin to heal this mind-body dis-ease? Well, it takes an integrative mind-body-emotion healing and western medicine healing approach, such as sinus, and allergy treatment will help to calm and soothe the physical symptoms, but then you must also take a look at possible unresolved emotional needs that could be an underlying cause. Identifying these underlying emotions may be new for you, especially if you haven’t approached health in this way before.  But begin by healing your physical symptoms and then take the deep dive into understanding what else can be going on, ( “what is bothering me that I am not addressing?) and  I can help with this deep dive.  And it is always beneficial to begin(a fierce) self-care regime, with a large dose of self-love (this is the root of a lot of body discomfort, in my experience)


To detox means is to remove toxins…and when I talk about detoxing, I always mean removing both physical toxins ( things in your environment and your diet) and emotional toxins (thoughts, feelings, and influences in your life). When you “detox” you will have notice feel clear in your mind and body. I believe this process must first begin with our bodies, by cleaning up your diet and supplying yourself with the nourishment your body needs to detox and heal. It’s no accident that the first part of The 30 Day Reset Wellness Program is a 21 day Detox diet. Then when you are feeling clean and clear in your physical body, it’s easier to begin detox your emotional body, which is harder because it’s more subconscious and harder to uncover.

How do you detoxing your body?  Well, it’s actually pretty simple because you are just giving your body what it needs to heal itself. First, remove all the foods that “gum” up your systems, like added sugar and processed foods and then eating the foods that nourish and fuel your body, like natural whole foods, including lots of fruits and vegetables and whole grains. Then begin detoxing your mental and emotional space.

Mental and Emotional Detoxing

Where the mind goes the body follows.  Our minds are very powerful, so if you want your body to be healthier, you have to make your mental space healthier and more resilient. And this is why creating a meditative practice is so powerful, it helps you declutter your messy mental space, which makes detoxing easier. Meditation can take many forms, it can be a formal daily meditation practice, contemplative prayer, walking meditation, quiet breathing, journaling or even yoga which is simply moving meditation (regular meditation exercise) When you create calm and peace in your mind, you create calm and peace in your body and life,  this is why mental and emotional healing is an integral part of all my wellness coaching and programs.

And if you are ready to begin clearing and healing your physical and emotional bodies, consider signing up for my 30 Day Reset Wellness Program, it’s a full body and mind reset. Healing happens from inside out, so if you want to feel happier and healthier in 2018, enroll now! It is a life-changing 30 days!

Sign up for The 30 Day Reset Wellness Course

Reach out if you have any questions!

BE well,


P.S.  Want to read more interesting information about how our emotions have a physical manifestation? Read this article about human tears and this one on how words affect the structure of water.

**This is a collaborative post, that contains affiliate links.**

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