Fill yourself up with more than food.

This is the 2nd in a 4 part weight loss series about how to free yourself of heaviness,  the body, mind and soul kind!

Do you want to know what issue most I see with my weight loss clients?

It’s that food and eating are playing too big a role in their happiness and unhappiness. Food, eating, and body preoccupation are taking up way too much mental time, energy and space in their lives!

Food is supposed to be fuel. It’s supposed to give us energy and nourish our bodies…but it has become our best friend, our pity pal, our party pal and our only main of enjoyment and fun.   Don’t get me wrong we are not robots who should eat boring ole’ fuel! On the contrary, everything we eat should be delicious and satisfying.  Nourishing our bodies should be a joyful experience,  it just shouldn’t be our only joyful, fun, or pleasurable experience in our lives.

So if you are ready to really start freeing yourself from heaviness, start looking at the role food plays in your life? When was the last time you had fun, that didn’t involve food?

And while I am on the subject…what do you like to do for fun?  What brings you joy? What lights you up? And how often do you do the things that are fun, bring you joy and light you up?

Here is your action step for this week:

  • Start asking yourself what you really want.  What do you really desire? Is it more peace, joy, creativity, love, worthiness, fun, excitement or variety? And then start meeting that need…you will find that your cravings lessen and a bunch of other super awesome things start happening in your life!
  • Have more fun! (everyone needs more fun and enjoyment in their lives!) Write down 10 things you like to for fun (that don’t involve food) and start scheduling that stuff in your calendar. If this is hard…then think back to when you were a kid, before fun became foreign and try to do what she use to love to do.
  • Schedule joy and pleasure into your day. Starting today! Don’t overthink it, just do something small.

Stop filling your every need up with food and start filling it up with what you really desire.  This will change your life!



P.S. Let’s connect!  Are we connected on Instagram and Facebook? If not, then we should be! And if you are looking for a tribe of women dedicated to their own health and personal growth, join my facebook group, The Vibrant Warriors! I am hanging out there often giving support and having fun!

P.P.S.  Are you ready to really start filling yourself up? Are you ready to drop the heaviness in your life? I am here to help! This is what I do, I work smart women who are ready to drop the heaviness and live a life she loves in a body she loves! If you are ready to finally transform your life, schedule a free transformation call with me to discuss your goals, what’s holding you back and start strategy to help you start dropping the heaviness you are carrying around. Schedule yourself HERE.

And in case you missed them, here is  Part 1,  of the is 4 part series


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