Focus on the Action, not the Outcome



When we want to make changes in our lives we create goals and (hopefully) start working towards those goals, but unfortunately, many of us get too focused on the wrong things…

So while it is ok to have your eye on the outcome you want, you can’t limit your definition of success on that outcome, because the truth is…we actually don’t have control over the outcome because there are so many variables out of our control and we actually only have control over what action we take.

And really, when you surrender control over the outcome and do everything in your power to take consistent, right action, you will be amazed and pleasantly surprised that things will turn out even better than you could have imagined! 

So focus and celebrate your actions! Action your dreams into Reality!

[bctt tweet=”Action your dreams into Reality!” username=”@sallytwellman”]

Take empowered action my friends!

Be Well,


P.S. Have you signed up for my mailing list yet? I have some really, really exciting things coming up and I want you to know about them! Go HERE to make sure you are on my list! Aaaaaaaand you get an awesome, Health and Happiness Guide!

P.P.S  I still have a few spots available for the end of the year 90minute Life + Wellbeing strategy sessions, apply HERE

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