How to Stay on Course When It Gets Hard!

It’s still the beginning of the year, but this (about 4 weeks in) is when things start to slip, and our old habits start to squeeze out our best intentions. We begin to feel the inertia and drag of our old habits and ways. 

But I am here to remind you to keep it up! 

Keep Going. Don’t stop now. 

It’s in times like this that we solidify our NEW habits and a NEW way of being.  

How is that you might ask? 

  1. You are Learning how to make it work 
  2. You are it Proving to yourself. 

First – You are Learning how to make it work. 

When you start something new, you have all the best ideas about what you are and how you will accomplish it. But you only know if it works once you try it. And honestly, some things we try just don’t work for us. 

Like, working out in the evenings doesn’t work for me. Having dinner meal “options” for the week doesn’t work for me.  

But I had to try them to find out they didn’t work. 

I have to work out first thing in the morning, or it doesn’t happen. I have to plan out each night’s dinner meal during the week or I face the dreaded 5’oclock “what’s for dinner” question, and we end up eating cereal.

But I had to learn this. And this is where you may be too. What you thought would work doesn’t get the job done. So don’t let yourself slide into old habits; get creative and find a way that does work. 

And this is where #2 comes in 

You it Proving to yourself. 

Believing our work will result in the outcomes we want is really powerful. And it’s often all we need to push ourselves to keep going. 

Well, This is the time, about 4 weeks in. After the newness of worn off, before we start seeing real results (or the newbie gainz are slowing down), the remembered “ease” of your old habits starts to creep in again. This is the time that it’s critical that we stay the course and push ourselves over the hump. 

It’s at this moment when we prove to ourselves that we can do it. 

  • Prove to ourselves that we have what it takes to stick with it. 
  • Prove to ourselves that we can To take daily actions to get us closer to our goals, even when life wants to creep back in on our groove. 

So now is the time to  

  • Reconnect to your Why  
  • Reset your Plan
  • Reignite your excitement for your goals. 

Take advantage of this critical time, or you may slip down that slippery slope. 

I know you can do it! I believe in you! 

Ok, now go! 

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