

I learned a new word, Somatizing! Somatizing, (non-clinical definition) is when you store and manifest unexpressed emotions in your body through. We all do this


Quinoa Veggie Protein Power Bowl

Power Bowl It’s Recipe Redux time again, and this month we are talking Protein Power Bowls. “Packed with protein, fiber and color, plant power bowls are


Staying in Integrity with Yourself

Integrity Integrity is defined as “the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness” or my personal favorite “the state of being


thanks but no thanks

I ran into a friend, (who we shall call Lina )last weekend at a bookstore and something wasn’t right, she seemed upset and agitated. I


Ancient Golden Milk

Golden Milk I have talked before about the importance of the decrease inflammation in your body . Inflammation is linked to so many of the

Setting Your New Year Goals

New Year Goals I know, I know, it is only October, but  I am already starting to make plans and create my goals for 2017!

Garlic Sautéed Green Beans

Garlic Sautéed Green Beans

Garlic Sautéed Green Beans I am always looking for easy, simple, but delicious veggies sides, when I am not feelin’ my go-to veggie Roasted Cauliflower. Garlic


A Love Letter to Yourself

We all need a little extra love sometimes, especially from ourselves. Love flows beautifully through the written and spoken word, so write yourself a little love note.