
Vibrant Vintage Baby Shower

  I love to par-tay! Heeeey! I love attending parties, but I really enjoy being part of the party planning committee.    I love the opportunity


The Weekly Menu: November 9-15

Monday:  Turkey Fajitas  with side salad. Tuesday:  Chicken Soup with Spaetzle – I have been making this a lot lately, even though it hasn’t been on the menu, it’s just so

Do what feels good and do it with your whole body and soul

Stop with the Stories

So one day, I was at my middle daughter, Quinn’s soccer practice a few weeks ago and my 3 year old daughter takes my phone


Turkey Meatball Sub

Ok, so I am pretty obsessed lately with creating simple, healthy delicious meals that make busy family evenings of practices, meetings and events more manageable.  Last

The Weekly Menu: November 2 – 8

The Menu Monday:  Deconstructed Eggplant Parmesan with Roasted Broccoli Tuesday:  Tuscan Kale with Sausage and Pasta and a side Salad Wednesday:  Southwestern Chicken Stew Thursday:


Stop Letting Fear Drive Your Car

“Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values,

Crockpot Philly Cheese Steak

Crockpot Philly Cheesesteak

I don’t know about you, but I am always looking for something simple that I can throw into the crockpot, that is delicious and where