WEekly Menu Planning - Mother's Day

Weekly Menu: May 11- 17

Happy Mother’s Day Everyone!  If you are a mommy, I hope you are having a special day! On this mother’s day I want to Thank

MAke it Monday Overnight Oats

Make it Monday: Overnight Oats

Wow, what a great experience!  To say I am excited about me local news segment is an understatement…thrilled is maybe a better word! When Lauren

Weekly Menu Planning celery flower

Weekly Menu: May 4 – 10

Wow, yesterday was a full and super fun day!  First we had my daughter’s third birthday Flamingo party (post to come!), which was great!  Then

parable written by Julia Minakova

The Shop of Desires

This beautiful and poignant parable was shared with me by one of my readers and I had to share it with you all!  I want

Vegetable Quesadilla

Vegetable Quesadillas

We live in Texas and here in Texas we are lucky to have lots of diverse culinary influences.  We have Cajun cooking to our east