Roasted Aspargus

Roasted Asparagus

Roasting asparagus is one probably the easiest and most delicious way to prepare asparagus. I always love to have asparagus as a side vegetable dish because

Weekly Menu Planning - FEb

Weekly Menu: Feburary 9-15

Hello! Thanks for stopping by.  This is going to be a pretty standard week over here, fun and full as always. 🙂   Monday: Italian Chicken

5 ways to Boost your Metabolism

5 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

Metabolism or metabolic rate is the rate at which we burn calories and is a significant factor in body weight. Many people think their metabolic

Weekly Menu Planning - FEb

Weekly Menu: February 2 – 8

Hello February, so glad you are here! I have this month,  it’s a pretty big month over here, what with my birthday and my husband’s birthday,

One Pot Pad Thai

One Pot Pad Thai

One of my favorite things in life is Pad Thai, it is the perfect combination of some of my most favorite flavors…lime, peanuts, cilantro and

Topped Potato Round Trio

Topped Potato Round Trio

I received free samples of Cabot Cheese mentioned in this post. By posting this recipe I am entering a recipe challenge sponsored by Cabot Creamery and

Sriracha Lime Brussels Sprouts

Sriracha Lime Brussels Sprouts

  It’s Recipe Redux time!  This month’s theme is Spicy, we are bring’n health and Spice together in the New Year!  And this year is