Stillness, Presence and Peace

I took a much needed trip with my family, We are going on our Great Southwest Road Trip and it was AWESOME.

We got to see so many amazing places I have never seen before like the grand canyon and Zion national park and sharing these experiences with my husband and kids, was priceless. But one of the best parts of this trip was just unplugging and being really present in the moment with my favorite people.

I have been on this entrepreneurial journey for a about 3 or so years now and it has been amazing and it continues to grow and expand in surprising an beautiful ways.

Even though it is awesome and so fulfilling, it can be a little overwhelming and all consuming if I am not careful. And although social media and email has allowed me to reach around the world and connect with amazing people around the world, it never stops and I can be on all the time.

It’s easy to burn out in this go, go, go, world. And this isn’t just for entrepreneurs, this is true for all of us, because there is the potential to be “doing” all the time.

And “doing” all the time creates burnout.

This constant high of doing can be addictive and I hear so often people say, “but I like to stay busy or my mind doesn’t allow me to shut off.” And this is all true, but only because you have trained yourself to be this way.

If we have been trained to live and think in this way, we can train ourselves to think and live in a different way too.

Stillness and presence are essential to allowing us to cultivate peace, happiness, joy and creativity in our life. (When I say creativity, I don’t just mean painting and pottery, I mean also being able to think creatively about our life)

StillnessPresence Peace

And if our life is too busy allow us to start carve out some still time, we need to ask ourselves Why?

Do we over commit? Why, what are filling up?

Do we need to set different boundaries with people? Why is this hard for us?

Are we avoiding anything?

So many people feel blah about their lives. But I think that the blahness isn’t because our lives are really blah, it’s because we are just so dang busy and are always finishing this in order to get to that….it’s basically living in a constant state of dissatisfaction.

So we need to give ourselves the space to give still, quiet and present in our lives on a regular basis.

Most summers we take a long trip to unwind, unplug and regroup. So this long trip regular break every year. But I also take time every week to unplug and relax and that is normally on the Saturday…it is always my intention to be totally unplugged from any work obligation…so do engage and post on social media but if I do that on the weekend it is normally for fun.

But I know I am blessed with the schedule I have and the freedom I enjoy, but no matter how full your days and schedule is, can you find time to create a chunk of stillness in you day, week or month. ?

Evidence that the Universe is always conspiring for our good – after I wrote the outline for this Conversation starter, I went for a run and was listening to a Pod cast and then the pod casts end, it moves to a new podcast, THIS podcast, which talks about this subject exactly. I thought it was great, and so serendipitous!

Here are those questions again for your ponder, so you can change your conversation!

Where can you find time to create a chunk of stillness in you day, week or month?

If your life just feels too busy, start asking yourself Why? Why have been created or allowed your life to be this way?

 Do we over commit? Why,? What are you trying to filling up?

Do we need to set different boundaries with people? Why is this hard for us?

Are we avoiding anything?

Ok, now go out there are change the conversation, and be love and light my friends!



P.S. Did any of this resonate with you?  If so and you need more support on your journey to creating peace and happiness you crave in your life, contact me, I would love to help you…it’s what I do girl-friend! 


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