The Weekly Menu: January 4 – 10
After two weeks of Holidays and travel, we are back to school and our normal routine this week. Although I love all the jazz and
After two weeks of Holidays and travel, we are back to school and our normal routine this week. Although I love all the jazz and
The Menu Monday: Chicken Cesar Pitas using Anytime Chicken Tuesday Mini Apple Cheddar Turkey Meatloaves with Siracha Lime Roasted Brussels Sprouts Wednesday: Harvest Vegetable Soup Thursday: Meatloaf with Ginger Sweet
Monday: Ole’ Shepard’s Pie with Roasted Broccoli Tuesday: Tuscan Kale with Sausage and Pasta with Side salad and vinaigrette Dressing Wednesday: Spiced Pear and Raisin Chicken with Roasted Asparagus Thursday: Christmas Eve Feast
In Sanskrit, Yoga means union or communion. And I love this because this is exactly my experience when I practice Yoga, I feel more unified and
The Menu Monday: Thai Coconut Curry Tuesday: Lemon Baked Fish from Simply Delicious with Roasted Asparagus Wednesday: Pasta de Savoy with roasted Brussels Sprouts Thursday: Southwestern Chicken Stew with Side
Menu + Inspiration The Holiday season is in full swing. Which for us means parties, fun runs, Holiday festivals, and gift buying…among other things! I
Monday: Shrimp Scampi with Spinach Salad Tuesday: Chicken tortilla Soup – in a crockpot Wednesday: Apple Cheddar Mini Turkey Meatloaves with Sweet Potato medallions and Roasted Broccoli Thursday: Baked fish with Chopped
I LOOOOOOOOOve Thanksgiving! It combines all of my favorite things: delicious food, beautiful decorations, family time, friend time, and fun (maybe this year I can
The Menu Monday: Crockpot Pulled Pork Tacos with sliced Avocado and baby spinach as a Taco Topper Tuesday: Harvest Vegetable Soup Wednesday: Chicken Fajitas in