Imagine Change. Create Change

Imagine Change Create Change

I just finished a really great book (listened to it on Audible) called Leveraging the Universe and Engaging the Magic by Mike Dooley. It is all about how our “thoughts become things”, visualizing the outcomes we want and adjusting our thoughts to allow the Universe to works it’s magic.

I learned about these principles a few years ago and they have made a big impact in my life and my career momentum. Whether you believe in “manifesting” your reality or not, no one can deny the power of shifting your thoughts to allow for the outcome you want, the term Mindset resonates with me, so that is what I use most often. When we have positive expectations this gives us strength and courage to take action that will eventually get us our desired results.

The fact of the matter is, people spend waaaaay too much more time thinking and worrying about an outcome they don’t want and circumstances they don’t like. I heard this put in a beautiful way “Worrying is like praying for the outcome we don’t want” (sorry can’t remember who said that)

And this is a big problem because our beliefs create our reality.

What we believe creates the thoughts that we think, those thoughts create what action we take and the actions we take (big and small) create the reality in which we live.

Here is an example, let’s take one many of us have spent lots of time obsessing on…losing weight/becoming healthier. Losing weight is a bit of an uphill battle because it involves changing habits, (which is always hard), emotions and in some ways goes against our own physiology. But it is possible, even definite for everyone. You just have to dig deep, rearrange your priorities, and prepare to be uncomfortable. And speaking of being uncomfortable, this is typically one of the hardest parts of change for us, because we normally want to avoid discomfort. But the truth is, that fact that we are seeking change, means that we are already pretty uncomfortable (unhappy), but the difference is, the new discomfort is unknown and we have no guarantee that we will get the results we hope for, but on the other hand you we know the end “result” of actions you are currently taking.

And this is where mindset, especially the “thoughts become things” mindset comes in. If we can truly see and believe that this new discomfort we are experiencing is all part of the process and will result in amazing changes, then we will continue them and even begin to enjoy the process (!). Because our beliefs create our thoughts, our thoughts drive the actions we take and the action we taken now creates our future.

Our Beliefs → Our Thoughts → Our Actions → Our Reality

So, if you want to have a different result/reality than what you have now, we have to go all the way back the beginning and look at and change or shift your beliefs to match the reality we are really wanting.

Let me go back to the weight loss/becoming more fit example…if we truly believe that we will become fitter and healthier by planning and eating more nourishing meals, being active daily and getting enough sleep, then we will do it, even when it gets uncomfortable. You will take extra time to pack your workout clothes and lunch for the next day, even with the latest episode of Downton Abbey staring at you on your DVR. And this is especially effective if your vision of the future, matchups up to your true motivation (huh-hum…desiring weight loss is rarely really about fitting into your old clothes, just sayin’).

So how can you start changing your beliefs to match your dreams?

Monitor your thoughts. Your thoughts will point you towards the belief systems you have that are getting in your way.

One of the ones I encounter a lot is, “I have tried everything and I can’t lose weight.” Well, if that is your belief, then will the going gets tough, you will quit…because what’s the point.

Another “ I am so unlucky” It’s been my experience that luck is created through hard work. Someone once told me “ The harder you work, the more luck you have”. So if you feel your “luck” is out of your control, then when going gets tough, you will quit…because what’s the point.

“People are the worst…”

“You can’t trust anyone”

“I am mess up everything I touch”

“I am not very athletic”

“ I never have any time!”

Honestly, I could go on with these examples, because I have said them and I hear others say them all the time. But my point is, we have the power to create exactly the outcome that will serve us best, we just have to create the best mental environment possible to cultivate change and create exactly the future we want.

So if your flowers aren’t growing like you want them to, look at your soil in your garden and the food you are feeding them. (Sorry, I couldn’t let a whole post go by without using at least one metaphor…I just can’t help myself!)

Oh, and don’t dwell too long on identifying what belief systems are getting in the way, because this could slow you down. All that matter is that you start creating new empowering belief systems that allow you to create the life you want!

Imagine the change you desire.

Create the change you desire.

You got this, I believe in you!

With love,


P.S. Leveraging the Universe and Engaging Life’s Magic is really a must read/listen! Check it out (affiliate link)!

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