Lavender Lemonade

Lavender Lemonade

Are you looking for a new, interesting and really delicious new summer beverage?  Well then look no further, this Lavender Lemonade is just perfect for you!  I actually developed this beverage as a cocktail for my birthday party this year (mixed with Vodka), but have continued making it (sans booze of course) for myself and the kids  as a fancy variation to an old summer standby.  :)



I Purchased some edible dried Lavender ( ordered mine on Amazon here)


I made a lavender infused simple Syrup.  Normally Simple sugar is made with a 1:1 ratio of sugar and water, but I always think that is too sweet so I make a diluted form with 1/2 cup of sugar to 1 cup of water.  Then I added 3TBsp dried Lavender.



Add water, then Bring to a Boil ↓↓↓


Allow to hard boil for ~2-3minutes to allow the flavors to really infuse the syrup.


Then I use a small holed strainer (not sure how else to explain that) to strain the lavender out of the syrup.

Now onto the lemonade part of the delish beverage :)


Ok, so you know I love short-cuts, but use fresh lemons for Lemonade is a must.  It really makes all the difference!

Tip: Whenever juicing a lemon, be sure to roll it first to allow all the juices to release!


Then with my grandmother’s old fashion juicer (very effective), I juiced 3 lemons.


You may not know this, but there is much controversy about the exact portitions of water to lemon juice that makes the perfect lemonade, and really I don’t want to get involved, but this is my unofficial, offical opinion on this subject.

I use ~1/4cup of lemon juice to 1 1/4 ish cup of water. So 3 large lemons gave me about 3/4cup of lemon juice and I added 4cupd of water.  But this is really up to taste preference.  I like my Lemonade lemony, but not too strong and tart. But I would add less water and taste it and add more until you reach the ratio that is perfect for you.


When add about 1 cup of Lavender Simple syrup to the Lemonade (which is about 4 3/4cup total liquid)



P.s. The lavender simple syrup is delish in tea also :)


Enjoy and Share with Friends!

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