Notice what isn’t working and take action

Over the last few weeks I was working really hard on some work initiatives and breaking through some personal barriers, so I have been hunkered down keeping my eye on the prize and staying focused while finding as much balance as possible with my family life.  But that didn’t leave much time or energy to pay attention to things outside my little bubble.

But just because I didn’t give the stuff going on around a lot of energy, doesn’t mean they weren’t implanting into my energy body.

It’s been an intense time and there is a lot of stuff going on right now and there is a lot on my mind

????Hurricane Harvey came through Texas, so I am hurting for my community and feel a real sense of urgency to help

????So much political “stuff” happening

????My fitness, I have been doing a lot of sitting in front of the computer a lot over the last couple weeks. And feel a little blah

????The environment

????The festering boil of Hate and injustice

This may sound like a drama queen list, but these are things I am very tuned in to and actively work on, but since I have been in a work heavy phase of my life right now and haven’t had time or energy to devote to these things.

When I wake up this morning, went through my normal routine, and started on my to-do list for work and I can’t do them, just couldn’t stay focused and found myself checking Facebook aka wasting time, So I decide to go for my run a tad early. Movement creates mental clarity and I needed some clarity because I was just feeling blah

As I was running, I started to understand and work through what was weighing on me…I realized that all have been so focused on my work and the launch of the 30 day Reset, that I didn’t have the energy to dig into the other things, so they were beginning to grow.

Because the thing is, just because you don’t give the things that bother you, attention, doesn’t mean they just go way. You can tuck so many things down into your mental space so so long before you go there, find understanding and create some new action.

You can only tuck so many things down into your mental space for so long before you have to go there, find understanding and create some new action or it will become unbearable.

This could be taking action – like organizing a supply drive for hurricane relief, but the action doesn’t always mean doing something, it could just mean finding acknowledging what is going wrong, how you are feeling and then creating a personal plan of attack

You see this is all about your personal sense of power.

Things bother us for a reason, and if we ignore them, they will fester and grow and soon our mental landscape is filled with weeds. The longer the weeds grow in our garden, more overwhelmed we feel and the more we feel like we can’t do anything about these weeds.

And we feel out of control

And this is the way it is for everything in our life ????Our health, our well-being, our relationships, our friendships, an injustice you see…if something is bothering you.

Notice what is not right and take action.

And you don’t have to get overwhelmed by this, it can start with pondering it or making a small change…the point is to take action because every action expands and every action reminds us that we have power in our lives.

I know not using plastic bags at the grocery store isn’t going to reduce the trash swirl in the ocean…but less plastic in circulation and it’s something I can do, something I can take action on.

I knew I was going to be slower in my run this morning because I was stiff, but I know that it lays a good foundation of getting better and that’s the point, to get better.

And when get better, that improves, everything. You, the people in your life and your impact on the world.

So start paying attention to the heavy feeling, notice what is bothering you and how can you take action.


Lots of Love,


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