
Staying in Integrity with Yourself

Integrity Integrity is defined as “the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness” or my personal favorite “the state of being


thanks but no thanks

I ran into a friend, (who we shall call Lina )last weekend at a bookstore and something wasn’t right, she seemed upset and agitated. I


Ancient Golden Milk

Golden Milk I have talked before about the importance of the decrease inflammation in your body . Inflammation is linked to so many of the

Setting Your New Year Goals

New Year Goals I know, I know, it is only October, but  I am already starting to make plans and create my goals for 2017!

Garlic Sautéed Green Beans

Garlic Sautéed Green Beans

Garlic Sautéed Green Beans I am always looking for easy, simple, but delicious veggies sides, when I am not feelin’ my go-to veggie Roasted Cauliflower. Garlic


A Love Letter to Yourself

We all need a little extra love sometimes, especially from ourselves. Love flows beautifully through the written and spoken word, so write yourself a little love note. 

be easy

Be Easy {From the Archives}

DO you feel it? Something is in the air, maybe it’s the changing of the seasons, maybe it’s Mercury in Retrograde, maybe it’s the full