Are you a Waterfall or a Steam

Are you a Stream or a Waterfall?

Let’s talk about Passion. Specifically finding and living your passion and purpose. When I start working with a client, one of the questions I ask them

When you love and accept yourself as you are

The Pretty Side of Beauty

Ok, so a few weeks ago on a conversation starter on Facebook live, I talked about the crazy amount of importance, time and energy we

We are not our bodies, but when we shame our bodies we shame who we are.

Stop Shaming and Love Your Body

I loved this weeks Conversation Starter…it is all about a topic, I feel very passionate about!  Well, really it’s something I feel passionate about changing…

Shine from where you naturally SParkle

Using Your Superpowers!

On this Facebook Live session of Ladies Who Lunch (soon to be conversation starter) I am talking all about our SuperPowers! Superpowers aren’t just for X-Men!  We