Pear and Gorgonzola Salad with Champagne Vinaigrette

Pear and Gorgonzola Salad with Champagne Vinaigrette

Wanna know one of my most favorite things in the world?  Gorgonzola cheese.  Wanna know another of my favorite things? Champagne.  Well, put these together on a delicious healthy salad with some fresh pears and cranberries and you have what I would argue is one of the best flavor combinations in the WHOLE  WIDE WORLD! And with the mix of nutrients from the spinach, pears and cranberries and the fat and flavor of the cheese it is so filling and satisfying,   I honestly have it all the time on my own and have made it occasionally as a full dinner meal for my family with some grilled chicken on the side. Quick and Easy.

Well, I was enjoying it one day, while at my desk (a no, no, I know) and perusing Pinterest and saw Pear Spinach salads everywhere…and I thought, this must be something people want to know about…I should share my recipe with them! Duh, of course I should!  Because,  if I love it, maybe  you all would love it too!  Like I said, this been one of my favorite salads for a while, (I think I got wise to the fruit, crumble cheese, cranberry, spinach combo while on maternity leave with my son, who is almost 8yo now) but the dressing choice has been a real evolution…but, I think I have finally stumbled on the perfect dressing!  A friend introduced me to Champagne dressing a few years ago and I fell instantly in love, then was sadden by the fact that MSG being add to the commercial version, but by that time I was already a goner (in love), so had to make my own.  Through much trial and error, I came up with this delicious and very simple version of Champagne dressing. It is the perfect topper for what is probably the perfect salad (them’s strong words I know 😉 )


I often have a soft boiled egg (or 2) with this, perfect amount of protein to round out the meal, but some grilled chicken or fish would be wonderful with it too! Enjoy!

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Pear and Gorgonzola Salad with Champagne Vinaigrette
Prep time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 6
Delicious, Simple salad that is exploding with flavor!
  • Salad:
  • ½ - 1 ripe Anjou Pear, thinly sliced
  • 8 cups of Baby Spinach, (or your favorite dark green leafy)
  • 2oz Gorgonzola cheese
  • ¼ cup dried Cranberries
  • Cracked Black Pepper (per preference)
  • For Champagne Dressing:
  • 3Tbsp Champagne Vinegar
  • 2Tbsp Olive Oil (use high quality for the best flavor)
  • ¼tsp Course Sea Salt
  • Fresh Cracked Pepper (generous amounts)
  • 1 clove garlic, crushed
  1. Combine all dressing ingredients into a small bowl and whisk vigorously to dissolve the salt and emulsify the oil and vinegar. Set to the side, It will separate while it sets, so before serving, give it a quick whisk.
  2. Put Spinach into a large salad bowl, toss with dressing at this point or you can add individually at the table. Then top with cranberries, pears and cheese.
  3. You can serve with boiled egg, grilled chicken or grilled fish to complete the meal.
  4. Enjoy!


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