weight loss


Weight Loss Webinar

Hi Friends! First, I want to send a big ole’ THANK YOU! to everyone who attended my webinar and made it so interactive and fun!

You must first imagine change before you can create change.

Imagine Change. Create Change

I just finished a really great book (listened to it on Audible) called Leveraging the Universe and Engaging the Magic by Mike Dooley. It is


Do you need a Reset?

Sometimes in life, we need a reset. It’s time to make a change (or changes). And there is nothing wrong with deciding we need change

5 ways to Boost your Metabolism

5 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

Metabolism or metabolic rate is the rate at which we burn calories and is a significant factor in body weight. Many people think their metabolic


5 Tips for Eating Out

I LOVE eating out.  I love the atmosphere, trying new things, learning new flavor combinations, and not having to do the dishes ;).  We actually rarely

Ok, maybe one eating picture :)

Hello Blog World!!

My name is Sally, I am a dietitian nutritionist living and loving in Austin, Texas.  I am bran’ spank’n new to the blogosphere, thank you