take the next step

I’ve got some news…

I’ve got some news, that I am both excited about and a little nervous about…I am going back to school. 😃 🍎 🧐 📚 I

Brain food

Brain food.

Can what we eat really improve our brain and functioning? Does eating your veggies, really make a difference in your brain health? As it turns out,

The Pursuit of Wholeness.

The Pursuit of Wholeness

The pursuit of wholeness.  The word wholeness or whole comes from the middle English word Hool which means healthy, unharmed or unbroken, which is derived from the

whatever your mind can conceive and believe, you can achieve. NH (1)

Believe and Achieve

About 5 years ago, I read Napoleon Hill’s groundbreaking 1937 book, Think and Grow Rich. It was one of the first time I had come